Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Internet Marketing Tips For Your Business - Create an SEO Friendly Marketing Web Presence


When it comes to the number of ways to use Internet marketing to make your practice grow, there are major steps to make this happen so it is profitable for your business.

It is quite important to do particular steps to get the best results.

An initial critical Step: Develop a Custom Web Presence

Acquiring your custom web presence is accomplished by completing different parts.

Create a Search Engine Friendly Marketing Website - otherwise known as your website.

First, you need a search engine friendly marketing website online where people can find the information about your business easily.

You can have a very nice-looking website, but if it doesn't do anything for you to market your services so that people can find you and buy from you, and you just have a useless, nice-looking website. Therefore you need to have amarketing website to do this work for you. From a general marketing point of view -- it doesn't matter what your website really looks like, as long as you get leads and customers that buy from you, right?

Then, find out what are the most popular keywords that people type in to search

These keywords will be the words that people will type in to find out about the products or services that you offer. If you are a dentist, for example, they might type in dentist, dental care, Invisalign, dental implants, etc.

Or if you specialize in a service or you want to promote a special type of service, make the keywords of this service apparent in all your online messages to searchers. Have them in your web pages, your website name, the description of your business, the official name of your business, etc.

Make sure everything matches up!

Make sure everything that you are wanting to promote about your business matches up with all online media messages in all forms as much as possible to get found the most easily. Remember if the search engines can find your messages, then the searching customers can find your messages and they will buy from you!

So let's take an example of someone searching for a dentist in San Diego. They type in "dentist San Diego". Now it would be a good idea if your website address has "http://www.DentistSanDiego.com" in it or something close to this, since this is what the search engines are going to be searching for anyway. Your site might as well get noticed first right at the start - instead of your competitors.

But you say, other people already have this site name claimed for themselves and they are ranking very well in the search results. Yes, they are savvy business people and have been give savvy online marketing advice already. So check out what they are doing and do the same tactics - since these are the successful ones to emulate. If you need help, get it from another savvy online marketer who knows how to do these tactics.

Now what is this online marketing tactic worth to you so far?

Well if one person found your information online and called your office and became a customer, what is a customer worth to you in one year's time? What if 10 people did this in a year - what would it be worth? This is what the tactic is worth to you!

For more ways Internet marketing can make your business or practice grow, see the resource box at the bottom of this article to get more information.

Finally, the internet marketing scene is constantly changing - so what worked in the past may not work well now. To get the most up to date information on the best way to advertise and market your business, see our information below.

This article is a part of a series of articles on "Internet Marketing For Your Business" which can be found at http://www.CustomerFinderMarketing.com/blog/. Find out how to get your website to convert people who search online to buy from you. Request a business web presence analysis score for your business to see how you rank in relation to your competitors.

We have specialized online marketing tools to boost your business web presence ahead of your competitors. When this happens, more people will buy from you! Visit http://www.Profit88.com to request this analysis report at no charge to you!

Thank You Business Owners,

Brian B. Dawson

Customer Finder™ Marketing

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Internet Marketing Tips For Your Business - Free Offers, Coupons, Special Discounts, Training Videos


Here's another Internet marketing tip for your business.

After you have attracted prospects to look at your website, now you want to get the prospect to interact with your website pages and do something.

You may want a prospect to do one or more of the following:

  1. Call your place of business by phone - so you can have a conversation with them.

  2. Enter their name and e-mail address - so you can send them messages periodically to remind them about your business.

  3. Get them to use coupons or special discounts that you have available on your products or services.

  4. Have them watch videos or read articles about your business products or services that you offer.

This is all done to entice them to give your site more attention than your competitors' sites.

For example if a prospect is searching after hours, and your business is not open at the time they are searching, you could offer to call them back by 10 a.m. the next morning if they leave their name, e-mail, and phone number in a designated spot on your site. You could even state that if you don't call them by 10 a.m. the next morning, that you will give them a discount on one of your products or services. This could be a free consultation or a free service call to their home or place of business.

Not a lot of businesses do this, so if the prospect knows that you are going to call them or text them the next morning, they will feel relieved that they can now stop searching for what they were looking for. They appreciate this and they can get on with other aspects of their life.

It's all about convenience for the person searching online.

Think about how you would want to get service from a business if you were searching online for something. Isn't it refreshing to know that even though you didn't speak with a business owner directly when you are trying to contact them, you know they will follow- up and contact you the next day?

You can even report this welcomed outcome to another person who might have asked you to search online initially to find something for them. So they will be happy with you as well.

You can advertise coupons or special discounts on your web site.

Entice prospects to do business with you instead of your competitors. This goes a long way when people are comparing products and services.

A short orientation video to your website is currently very effective in getting more prospects to convert to customers.

When a person goes to a website that they have not seen before, they may not have a clear idea of where to look on that particular site to find what they're looking for. Many times websites are crammed with a lot of things to see. And a little video on the website (or a pop up video in front of the website page) that shows the owner of the business who welcomes the prospect to the website and tells them why this particular business is better than some competitors, and directs them to one or two areas that the business owner wants to especially promote, can be quite refreshing to someone who has been searching and is getting tired of searching and who is looking for help or direction.

Since the prospect feels that you have their best interests at heart and assisting them in their search, they are more likely to do business with you. They already feel they have a bond established with you because they saw your picture, they heard a helpful message from you in the video, and you gave them assistance and directed them to find what they were searching for initially.

You will have helped them complete their job of searching for a product or service. It's even better for you because they now end up choosing your product or service!

For more ways Internet marketing can make your business or practice grow, see the resource box at the bottom of this article to get more information.

Finally, the internet marketing scene is constantly changing - so what worked in the past may not work well now. To get the most up to date information on the best way to advertise and market your business, see the resource box at the bottom of this article.

This article is a part of a series of articles on "Internet Marketing For Your Business" which can be found at http://www.CustomerFinderMarketing.com/blog/. Find out how to get your website to convert people who search online to buy from you. Request a business web presence analysis score for your business to see how you rank in relation to your competitors.

We have specialized online marketing tools to boost your business web presence ahead of your competitors. When this happens, more people will buy from you! Visit http://www.Profit88.com to request this analysis report at no charge to you!

Thank You Business Owners,

Brian B. Dawson

CustomerFinder™ Marketing

Saturday, September 10, 2011

What Is Social Media and Why Will It Help My Business?


Social media on the Internet currently are online channels or services that people use to communicate with their friends, followers, subscribers and other people who have liked interests. One of the unique features about social media is an ability to "like" another person's message, read their experience of using a product or service, post reviews or comments, etc.

Some of the channels which social media are most apparent today are YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Google Places. There are also other online directories such as Insider Pages, Citysearch, Yelp, etc. So it's important to be listed on all of these directories because people will want to talk about your business and tell others their experiences that they had in dealing with your business.

Hopefully these people will all be giving raving recommendations and congratulations to you about what they think of your business. Sometimes this is not the case and so these channels and directories allow you as a business owner to participate in a dialogue with anyone who posts a review or comment about your business-whether it's good or bad.

For instance, if you receive a series of bad reviews about your company, your products, your employees, or your services, you have a chance to explain how you have since improved on the qualities that were negatively noted in the review or comment that a previous customer had written about your company.

On the other hand, if you receive good reviews you can also respond to the person writing reviews and thank them for their patronage and invite them and their friends and family back to your business so that you can serve them even more.

These social media channels have become the new word-of-mouth and referral facilities to promote your business (or hinder your business).

Business owners are finding that they want to continue to offer their products or services on the turf of their prospects and customers in the way that they desire.

When they do this, they find that they are rewarded with more and more customers referred to them from other satisfied customers. And if they don't satisfy the customer, they find that these customers go to their competitors to get products and services.

The most prominent examples of these social media channels include YouTube (more than 300,000,000 visits each month), Facebook (more than 500,000,000 members), and Twitter (more than 200,000,000 members).

That is a lot of potential customers!

Another significant social channel for local business is Yelp! 39,000,000 monthly visitors use Yelp! And they combine local business listings with user ratings and reviews in a highly social environment. This allows members to subscribe to other members' reviews, and thus promote other local businesses to other members. It's a pretty unique and interesting concept when you think about it.

These new social media channels is the modern-day business owners answer to project a tailor-made, more personalized conversation with each and every one of their customers or their potential customers.

The secret to all this is that it has to be done correctly and your customer will love your business and what you stand for in your community. However if it is not done just right your reputation as a business owner in your town can suffer considerably.

For more details on how Yelp!, Facebook, Twitter, and other Internet "influence engines" can help drive your business growth and expansion, visit http://www.CustomerFinderMarketing.com/ to watch a short video that explains all about how we can get you more leads and customers for your business with social media advertising.

Or you can visit http://www.Profit88.com to request a marketing strategy session, so we can help you create the best marketing plan to get more leads and customers for your business each month.

Thank You Business Owners!

Brian B. Dawson

Customer Finder™ Marketing

Friday, September 2, 2011

Isn't Online Video Hard To Create?


Video production technology has changed drastically within the last five years. Today it is not nearly as difficult to produce video about your business. The Flip camera and the presence of higher quality video cameras in smart phones like Apple's iPhone today can make video recording quite easy.

It's what you do after the video production that really counts in marketing your business.

However there are a few strategic considerations that you will want to add to your videos for your business marketing purposes. It's very important that you mention an offer that you are promoting to your potential customers. And it is especially important that you have a call to action to have the viewer of the video to actually do something after they watch the video. This is usually a suggestion that they call your phone number that you post within the video in various locations so that is easy for the viewer to see as they watch the video. This call to action can be instructions on what phone number to call to contact your business.

Or you might have the viewer visit a website page about your business to get more information. Now this all has to be done correctly otherwise a person may watch your video, but not do anything to contact you - they may just watch another video on the same subject. Unfortunately this may be a video that your competitor has produced and they decide to contact them instead of you.

A video with narrative voice edited into the video is usually best, instead of just a music background.

With a professional voice-over on top of the video, you can give more information to your audience, and they will give your messages more attention.

For voice added to video, you have a couple of options here. One way is to shoot video live with a microphone attached to the person talking to the camera for the video. If a person feels comfortable in front of a camera and they can talk to the camera and not be seen to be reading a script, this can be very effective to get a marketing point across to an audience.

Another way to produce video is to get some still shots of a person, their office, their company, their logo, their employees, and other stock photos from the Internet relating to their business and use these to tell a story about the business and its message in the form of a video. You can add the voice-over to the video clip with any one of the video editing software available on the market.

You can also add a music background as well, but keep it subdued and not so loud, as it detracts from the message of the person doing the voice-over. After all, the real advertising message is in the voice-over.

An online marketing consultant will be able to take care of all of these details for you if you wish to make it easy on yourself.

After all you, have a business to run and probably don't want to be producing videos. This way you can still get your message out in video form on the Internet and still have time and energy to run your business as you wish.

Next, videos have to be edited and distributed so that they reach a wide number of potential customers.

This is where the work comes in and additional tools are needed to finish this process for the optimal return on your investment. Fortunately these tools have been simplified greatly for online marketers in the past few years as well.

To get more information about how to make all this work for you and your business, and get a high visibility, traffic-driving online video marketing campaign created for your business, visit http://www.CustomerFinderMarketing.com/ to watch a short video that explains all about how we can use video marketing to get you more leads and customers for your business.

Or you can visit http://www.Profit88.com to request a marketing strategy session, so we can help you create the best marketing plan to get more leads and customers for your business each month.

Thank You Business Owners!

Brian B. Dawson

Customer Finder™ Marketing