Wednesday, August 30, 2017

The Pillars of an Effective SEO Marketing Campaign Rest on Three Cornerstones

Even with all the digital marketing tools available in the market, search engine optimization or SEO remains the most popular and most effective in boosting sales of small and local businesses. However, as cliché as it might sound, not all SEO strategies are created equal. Some outmuscle others. In fact, several changes in search engine algorithms relegate many past SEO strategies moot and in the end, costly to your business.

Because of search engines’ tendency to update and improve their respective algorithms, it is hard to pinpoint exactly what makes an SEO strategy effective from one moment to the next. Old SEO tactics, once considered savvy (e.g., keyword density) now conflict with rating formulas engineered into today’s major search engines.

Hurdling these new algorithm obstacles, however, does not necessarily require a complete overhaul, but only some modifications of old practices. Take heed of some of the following tweaks necessary to keep up with the Joneses of search engines. Read more from this article:

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